EStubs enables employees to access pay stub, W-2, and 1127 information via Employee Self-Service (ESS), without contacting HR or payroll personnel.
EStubs includes: |
View My Last Pay Stub
This section enables employees to view and print a detailed copy of their last pay stub.
Pay Type Inquiry
This section enables employees to view and print a summary of their earnings such as base pay and overtime pay. Information is available for the last three calendar years, including the current year.
Pay Summary
This section enables employees to view and print summary or detailed statements of their pay stubs. Pay stubs are accessible in ESS for the last three calendar years, including the current year.
Deduction Inquiry
This section enables employees to view a summary of their deductions such as tax deductions and retirement contributions. Information is available for the last three calendar years, including the current year.
Tax Summary
This section enables employees to view tax summaries and print copies of their W-2s and 1127s. Information is available in ESS from 1998 on.
Note: 1127 forms apply only to non-resident employees of the City of New York. Non-residents employed by the City of New York after January 4,1973 must agree, as a condition of employment, to be treated as residents of New York City for tax purposes. This policy does not apply to employees who work for the Department of Education, City University of New York, District Attorneys Offices, or New York City Housing Authority. Also it does not apply to employees of the New York Police Department who were transferred from the NYC Housing Authority or Transfer Police.
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Last revised: March 9, 2009 |