Obtaining help with ESS

ESS is a tool all City employees can use to manage their personal information, benefits, and compensation. Each area of ESS is managed by a separate group. To receive help for a specific sections, employees can contact the appropriate agency.

To obtain help with ESS

  1. Use the table below to determine the appropriate agency to contact.

    For help with… Contact…
    ESS technical issues (such as logon or errors received) NYCAPS Central Help Desk at EmployeeSupport@dcas.nyc.gov. or (212) 487-0500.
    DOE Employees: Call HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.
    Personal information NYCAPS Central Help Desk at EmployeeSupport@dcas.nyc.gov. or (212) 487-0500.
    DOE Employees: Call HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.
    Direct deposit Your agency direct deposit coordinator.
    Withholdings Your agency Payroll office.
    Pay details Your agency HR representative.
    Benefits enrollment NYCAPS Central Help Desk at EmployeeSupport@dcas.nyc.gov. or (212) 487-0500.
    DOE Employees: Call HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.
    Email address correction Your agency MIS department.

Last revised: May 20, 2010